
Lay Your Own Flooring Or Hire a Professional

With more traditional methods of flooring, such as timber flooring, carpets and tiles, homeowners usually had no choice but to call in professionals to construct and lay their flooring. These days, with the advent and improvement of vinyl flooring options, the capacity for homeowners to successfully lay their own beautiful flooring has never been greater.

But even if you do opt for vinyl flooring for your home, should you attempt to install it yourself, or seek help from professional installers?

Lay Your Own Flooring Or Hire a Professional

The Pros and Cons

Many of the new vinyl flooring options available are designed to be DIY, but that doesn’t mean everyone who goes with this option has the time or the inclination to install their own vinyl flooring. It still takes a degree of self confidence that you can do the job right.

If you are confident in your abilities, can logically follow instructions and have the time to do it yourself, then performing your own installation might be the way to go. This will save you money, as well as give you the satisfaction of having completed the task successfully yourself. You can progress through your home room by room to avoid too much upheaval.

On the other hand, the job will likely get finished a lot quicker if you hire professionals to do the installation on your behalf. This saves you stress, time and having to put the effort in to get the task completed.

At times your overall budget for your flooring will dictate whether you attempt installation yourself or seek help. You might want to hire a professional, but just don’t have enough money left over for outside labour. Never fear. As loose lay vinyl and hybrid flooring is made as a DIY option for quality flooring, you will be able to do it successfully so long as you follow instructions and seek expert advice from your supplier.

Vinyl Flooring On the Gold Coast

Based in Helensvale, Integra Direct are your local experts when it comes to:

You won’t find a better range of DIY vinyl flooring options on the entire Gold Coast. Offering nearly 2 decades of industry experience, we not only sell you a fantastic range of products, but can also guide you through the installation process. We want you to be completely happy with your floors, and customer satisfaction is our focus.