
Outdoor Flooring

Outdoor flooring is a great way to make your backyard look better. It also has a range of practical benefits like adding a shade of colour or reducing the risk of slipping on wet surfaces. And there are a lot of options to choose from depending on your budget, aesthetic preferences, and the climate that you live in.

Best Outdoor Flooring

When it comes to outdoor flooring, the options are virtually endless. You can go with wood, marble, granite, or limestone or you can spring for something less traditional, like recycled plastic.

But how do you know which is right for you? Here are some tips to help you pick the best outdoor flooring:

  • Consider how much time and money you want to spend on upkeep. For example, if you don’t have time to mop your outdoor floors every day, marble is probably a bad idea. It’s going to get dirty and stained pretty fast. If your budget is limited, going with something like granite won’t make sense even if it looks great.
  • Think about your climate and what kind of weather your outdoor space sees most of the time. If it’s hot and sunny most days, then granite may be worth considering. If it rains a lot where you live, then something like limestone is a bad idea, as it absorbs water, swells up, and starts cracking after a while. Also, humidity can be bad news for wooden decks, so wood would not be a good option if you live in a humid area.
  • Think about how much foot traffic you expect your outdoor space to see. For example, if there are kids running around all day long playing in the backyard, the foot traffic is a lot higher than when you have two adults living in a house without children where the yard only sees a few visitors per day or week.

Outdoor Flooring Options

Let’s face it, sometimes there’s just no substitute for a sweet-looking patio or porch. But as much as you want to make it a place that’s great for lounging, you also want to feel confident about the surface beneath your feet.

So if you’re looking to lay a new floor outside your home, consider some of these outdoor flooring options.

Wood Decking

Wood decking is a perfect option for anyone who wants to enjoy an elegant patio or backyard in complete comfort. Wood decking can be painted or stained to match any design scheme, which makes it an extremely versatile option for exterior flooring.

It’s important to remember that wood decking should be cleaned regularly and treated with a protective sealant at least once every couple of years. Alternatively, you can choose to go with composite wood decking, which does not need sealing or treating.

Vinyl Flooring

Is not suitable to be used outside. The sun, even if indirect, can affect the colour of the product.

Rubber Tiles or Mats

Rubber tiles are usually made from recycled tires, so they’re eco-friendly. They come in many colours, are easy to swap out if need be, and are simple to clean.

On the downside, the high rubber content makes them more expensive than other options. They can also sometimes be slippery when wet or greasy from cooking.

Concrete Paving Stones or Pavers

Concrete paving stones are a very durable and versatile outdoor flooring option. They’re good for patios, walkways, terraces, balconies, rooftop decks, and gardens. They come in a variety of styles and colours, so you can be sure there’s an option that works with the aesthetic of your home.

On the downside, installing concrete pavers is labour-intensive and requires special equipment. This in itself might be prohibitively expensive for some homeowners.

Synthetic Grass

Synthetic grass is an increasingly popular outdoor flooring option. Synthetic grass is made with a high-quality polypropylene material that can be used in all kinds of applications.

In addition to being an incredibly durable material, synthetic grass is also extremely soft and comfortable. It is non-flammable and fire-resistant, so it can be used in a wide range of environments without the risk of fire hazards.

So if you are looking for a safe and durable flooring option for your home, consider installing synthetic grass.

Final Thoughts

When you’re looking to make your outdoor space a more comfortable and inviting place to spend time, consider outdoor flooring.

Outdoor flooring ideas range from cosy wood to elaborate mosaics, so you can create the look you want. Not only is outdoor flooring a durable, weather-resistant alternative to traditional decking, but it can also be an inexpensive way to update your patio or yard.